I am a newbie to Ruby and Rails. I am building a web application using Ruby on Rails 5.2. I have configured it to use the redis-cache-store
to manage the view caching:
config.cache_store = :redis_cache_store, { driver: :hiredis, namespace: "my-app", compress: true, url: ENV["REDIS_URL"] }
And I have configured my session storage as:
Rails.application.config.session_store :cache_store, {
key: "sid",
expire_after: 30.minutes
So here I am using the :cache_store
as my session store. As far as I understand, this means the entries for the view cache and the session data are stored in the same Redis database.
From what I understand, the redis-rails
gem is no longer required if using Rails 5.2 as there is a built-in support for redis - https://github.com/redis-store/redis-rails#a-quick-note-about-rails-52. Hence, I have not used that gem.
Is there a way to use a different redis store for sessions and different one for view caching?
Or am I trying to do something which is unusual in Rails-land?