I'm trying to request this kind of URL in iPhone 4.0 SDK (access token slightly modified because you don't really need to see it):
But I got this message:
Failed with error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1000 "bad URL" UserInfo=0x9e657a0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x9e656a0 "bad URL", NSLocalizedDescription=bad URL}
When I copied and pasted in Safari or Chrome, it works. I tried replacing |
with %|
as suggested here but doesn't work.
Asking it from the terminal looks like this:
curl https://graph.facebook.com/me/statuses?sdk=ios&sdk_version=2&access_token=9999955817987|8ab9e8408d2685cef.3-747882379|UGuxWDuM&format=json&limit=40&until=1286619821
[1] 16190
[2] 16191
[3] 16194
[4] 16195
[5] 16196
[2] Done sdk_version=2
[4]- Done format=json
$ -bash: UGu5NvcAHiXuGEGzkq3KP8xWDuM: command not found
-bash: 8ab9e8408d2685cef853cd80.3-747882379: command not found
{"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."}}
[1] Done curl https://graph.facebook.com/me/statuses?sdk=ios
[3]- Exit 127 access_token=9999955817987 | 8ab9e8408d2685cef.3-747882379 | UGuxWDuM
[5]+ Done limit=40
Any ideas?