You used an answer from here this methods cause at some point to crash the browser process because you either create a memory issue or you fill up the DOM with elements the browser has to handle - so you should re-think your approach AND as you found out it will not work for heavy use in most browsers like safari or FireFox
Looking deeper into the <audio>
tag specification, it becomes clear that there are many things that simply can't be done with it, which isn't surprising, since it was designed for media playback.
One of the limitations includes -> No fine-grained timing of sound.
So you have to find another method for what you want we use Web Audio API designed for online video games.
Web Audio API
An AudioContext is for managing and playing all sounds. To produce a sound using the Web Audio API, create one or more sound sources and connect them to the sound destination provided by the AudioContext instance (usually the speaker).
The AudioBuffer
With the Web Audio API, audio files can be played only after they’ve been loaded into a buffer. Loading sounds takes time, so assets that are used in the animation/game should be loaded on page load, at the start of the game or level, or incrementally while the player is playing.
The basic steps
- We use an XMLHttpRequest to load data into a buffer from an audio file.
- Next, we make an asynchronous callback and send the actual request to load.
- Once a sound has been buffered and decoded, it can be triggered instantly.
- Each time it is triggered, a different instance of the buffered sound is created.
A key feature of sound effects in games is that there can be many of them simultaneously.
So to take your example of the "machine gun": Imagine you're in the middle of a gunfight a shooting machine gun.
The machine gun fires many times per second, causing tens of sound effects to be played at the same time. This is where Web Audio API really shines.
A simple example for your application:
/* global AudioContext:true,
var clickingBuffer = null;
// Fix up prefixing
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var context = new AudioContext();
function loadClickSound(url) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
// Decode asynchronously
request.onload = function() {
context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {
if (!buffer) {
console.log('Error decoding file data: ' + url);
clickingBuffer = buffer;
request.onerror = function() {
console.log('BufferLoader: XHR error');
function playSound(buffer, time, volume) {
var source = context.createBufferSource(); // creates a sound source
source.buffer = buffer; // tell the source which sound to play
source.connect(context.destination); // connect the source to the context's destination (the speakers)
var gainNode = context.createGain(); // Create a gain node
source.connect(gainNode); // Connect the source to the gain node
gainNode.connect(context.destination); // Connect the gain node to the destination
gainNode.gain.value = volume; // Set the volume
source.start(time); // play the source at the deisred time 0=now
// You call with in your document ready
//and this plays the sound
playSound(clickingBuffer, 0, 1);
Now you can play around with different timings and volume variations for example by intoducing a random factor
If you need a more complex solution with different clicking sounds (stored in a buffer array) and volume/ distance variations this would be a longer piece of code.