When using T4 to generate C# code, I can't get correct identation with TABS scattered around:
public partial class Foo : Base
public int C { get; set; }
public int Foo { get; set; }
I'm using a seemingly correctly indented .TT code similar to the following:
public partial class <#= ViewModelName #>
<# foreach(var property in ViewModelProperties) { #>
<# if(property.Mapping != null) { #>
[MappedProperty("<#= property.Mapping #>")]
<# } #>
public <#= property.TypeDeclaration #> <#= property.MemberName #> { get; set; }
<# } #>
This code snippet reflects what I've already tried to do: make control statements and blocks to a single line as much as possible.
public ...
on same line asif
end:<# } #>public ...
– Balzer