You can say (mapv #(async/<!! %) channels)
If you wanted to handle individual values as they arrive, and then do something special after the final channel produces a value, you can use exploit the fact that alts!
/ alts!!
take a vector of channels, and they are functions, not macros, so you can easily pass in dynamically constructed vectors.
So, you can use alts!!
to wait on your initial collection of n channels, then use it again on the remaining channels etc.
(def c1 (async/chan))
(def c2 (async/chan))
(def out
(loop [cs [c1 c2] vs []]
(let [[v p] (async/alts!! cs)
cs (filterv #(not= p %) cs)
vs (conj vs v)]
(if (seq cs)
(recur cs vs)
(async/>!! c1 :foo)
(async/>!! c2 :bar)
(async/<!! out)
;= [:foo :bar]
If instead you wanted to take all values from all the input channels and then do something else when they all close, you'd want to use async/merge
([chs] [chs buf-or-n])
Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which
contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be
unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel
will close after all the source channels have closed.
is what I need. – Rexrexana