After getting tired of the default cygwin terminal, I decide to try rxvt
. Everything seems fine except one thing: the color schemes for my git repositories stop working.
BTW other color schemes like the vim
editor works fine under rxvt
. I also ran this script to ensure that 256 colors are enabled.
My ~/.gitconfig
looks something like this:
name = xyz
email = [email protected]
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
autocrlf = false
- my guess would be that those don't work in rxvt. The weird thing is that the script works. It looks like it's printing out essentially the same kinds of things, though they're 256 colors, not 16. Does rxvt somehow support 256 color xterm escape sequences, but not 16? – Gastrocnemiusmsysgit
and the colored output. – Toothache