I am using the following command to run an ipython notebook server with django:
./manage.py shell_plus --notebook
The server functions as expected. However, I would like to set the port and not launch a browser when starting the server.
If I were running an IPython notebook server without django I successfully use the following:
ipython notebook --port=9999 --no-browser
I checked the documentation here and tried setting the options using
'--ext', 'django_extensions.management.notebook_extension',
These arguments are loaded after the server has already started and do not change the notebook server settings from what I can gather.
How can I set the notebook server settings when launching the notebook server with django using
./manage.py shell_plus --notebook
Thank you in advance.
was the url rather than the one I specified in the ipython_config.py file which IPython 3.2.0 honored. – Tilt