Recently, I have moved to new server and installed latest Teamcity version 9.1. I want to import the same data into new installation but unable to connect to existing database. Followed the following links :-
I can successfully connect to database but getting the following error:-
Found a TeamCity internal database when no system directory or an empty system directory is expected
Current Startup State
Startup status
Current step: TeamCity server startup error
Next step: not defined yet
Data Directory
Directory path: Z:\TeamCity\.BuildServer exists
Database properties file exists
Internal database file: not found
Database type: default (using internal database)
Database connection URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://db02:2433/d01
JDBC driver version: 1.2 (jTDS Type 4 JDBC Driver for MS SQL Server and Sybase)
Database system version: 11.0.5058 (Microsoft SQL Server)
Software version: 727
Data directory version: unknown
Database version: 709
Logs path: C:\TeamCity\logs
Using Windows server 2012
Any idea what I am doing wrong.