I am trying extract a dependant zip file without the PARENT directory, exclude some file while extracting using Gradle.
Here is what I've got and this works but doesn't feel right and I am hoping there is a better way to do this
Zip file that i am extracting
jar tf parent-folder-name.zip
Option 1
task explodeToDist1(type: Copy) {
from zipTree(configurations.extractDist.singleFile)
exclude "**/lib/**"
eachFile {
def newPath = it.relativePath.segments[1..-1].join("/")
it.relativePath = RelativePath.parse(true, newPath)
into 'build/dist'
doLast {
def path = buildDir.getPath() + "/dist/parent-folder-name"
def dirToDelete = new File(path)
Option 2
task explodeToDist2 << {
def unzipDir = new File('build/unzipTmp')
copy {
from zipTree(configurations.extractDist.singleFile)
into unzipDir
def rootZipDir = unzipDir.listFiles()[0]
exclude "**/lib/**"
}.copy {
into 'src/dist'
To me Option 2 feels better but I am not sure if there is a better way to do this in Gradle?