I have implemented support for Windows zones in my Java-library Time4J. The last version v4.2 is also interoperable with Java-8 so it is easy to convert all basic Time4J-types to java.time
-equivalents. For example recognizing Windows zones as strings is possible in constructing as well as during parsing:
// conversion Windows to IANA
WindowsZone wzn = WindowsZone.of("Eastern Standard Time");
TZID winzone = wzn.resolveSmart(Locale.US);
System.out.println(winzone.canonical()); // WINDOWS~America/New_York
// usage in timezone calculation
Timezone tz = Timezone.of(winzone);
System.out.println(Moment.UNIX_EPOCH.toZonalTimestamp(winzone)); // 1969-12-31T19
// usage in parsing and formatting
ChronoFormatter<Moment> f =
"MM/dd/uuuu hh:mm a zzzz", PatternType.CLDR, Locale.US, winzone);
Moment pacificTime = f.parse("07/17/2015 02:45 PM Pacific Standard Time");
System.out.println(f.format(pacificTime)); // 07/17/2015 05:45 PM Eastern Standard Time
As you can see, a locale Information is necessary to map a Windows zone like "Eastern Standard Time" to an Olson/IANA-identifier like "America/New_York". The underlying data and mapping informations are taken from CLDR.
The reverse way from IANA to Windows might be done this simple way:
String iana = "America/New_York";
String winzone = "WINDOWS~" + iana;
NameStyle dummy = NameStyle.LONG_STANDARD_TIME; // does not really matter
String name = Timezone.of(winzone).getDisplayName(dummy, Locale.US);
System.out.println(name); // Eastern Standard Time
However, this reverse conversion might not work for all iana-identifiers because Windows only supports a very simplified subset of timezones compared with IANA-TZDB. I also think that the reverse way is hardly used in practice. Users should rather work with IANA-timezones by default and only use Windows timezones if that is the (unavoidable) input to handle (see first part of my answer).