My data--a 196,585-record numpy array extracted from a pandas dataframe--are being placed into a single bin by matplotlib.hist. The data were originally integers, so I tried converting them to float as wel, as shown below, but they are still not being distributed among 10 bins.
Interestingly, a small sub-sample (using df.sample(0.00x)) of the integer data are successfully distributed.
Any suggestions on where I may be erring in data preparation or use of matplotlib's histogram function would be appreciated.
x = df[(df['UNIT']=='X')].OPP_VALUE.values
num_bins = 10
n, bins, patches = plt.hist((x[(x>0)]).astype(float), num_bins, normed=False, facecolor='0.5', alpha=0.8)
- your sample contains very few large values which skew the distribution. You may have to think about removing them. – Bonneprint(n); print(bins);
. – Puli