I'm creating a Watch app just to display a value on the watch when the user taps on a table view in the iPhone/host app.
I would like to get a notification the value changes on a shared UserDefault
. It is shared between WatchKit app and the iOS (host) app, so when the user makes any changes in the host app I'm expecting to get the notification. I've done the following:
When user do some action in application (host app):
NSUserDefaults *shared = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@"group.app"];
id object = [self.plantsArray objectAtIndex:[self.plantsTable indexPathForSelectedRow].row];
[shared setObject:object forKey:@"data"];
[shared synchronize];
In the Watchkit extension have registered for the notification:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(print) name:NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification object:nil];
but unfortunately I'm not getting any notification, has anyone a solution?
App Group
for your app and extension ? – Cosmography