I have a nexus 4 with android KitKat.
I tried screen recording using the following commands:
adb shell screenrecord --verbose /sdcard/demo.mp4
adb shell screenrecord --bit-rate 8000000 --time-limit 30 /sdcard/kitkat.mp4
Both times, the commands returned this message:
Main display is 768x1280 @60.00fps (orientation=0)
Configuring recorder for 768x1280 video at 4.00Mbps
ERROR: unable to create video/avc codec instance
In the debug console I had open in AndroidStudio, the following log messages were shown:
02-02 18:16:29.058 176-4045/? E/OMX-VENC-720p﹕ Is component secure 0
02-02 18:16:29.058 176-4045/? E/OMX-VENC-720p﹕ ERROR: Omx_venc::Comp Init Returning failure
02-02 18:16:29.058 176-4045/? E/OMX-VENC-720p﹕ ERROR: venc_open failed
02-02 18:16:29.058 176-4045/? E/OMX-VENC-720p﹕ Destroy C2D instance
02-02 18:16:29.058 11072-11086/? E/ACodec﹕ Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'video/avc'.
02-02 18:16:29.058 11072-11085/? E/MediaCodec﹕ Codec reported an error. (omx error 0x80001003, internalError -2147483648)
Does anybody got any idea on how to solve this? (I tried smaller resolutions, but with no success)