I think an efficient data base will be a modified trie, with bi-directional links [can go from leaves to the root and reconstruct the word], and each terminating node will have additional 'value' field.
You will also need a multimap [i.e. a map, in which each value is a set of addresses].
The keys will be arranged in a tree like, and the set of values will be hash based.
[in jave, it should be something like TreeMap<Integer,HashSet<Node>>
Pseudo-code: [well, very pseudo... it just shows the general ideas for each op].
1. Insert a word into the trie
2. add the value `1` to the terminating node.
3. add the terminating field to the multimap [i.e. map.add(1,terminating_node_address)]
1. read the word in the trie, and store the value from the terminating node as temp.
2. delete the entree (temp,terminating_node_address) from the multimap.
3. insert the entree (temp+1,terminating_node_address) to the multimap.
4. increase the value of the terminating node's address by 1.
1. find the terminating node for the key in the trie, return its value.
1. go to the last node you can reach with part_of_key.
2. from this node: do BFS and retrieve all possible words [store them in an empty set you will later return].
1. find the i'th biggest element key in the multimap.
2. choose an arbitrary address, and return get the relevant terminating word node.
3. build the string by following the uplinks to the root, and return it.
let n
be the number of strings, k
be the maximum value, and S
a string's length.
Insert: O(S) [trie insertion is O(S)]. The smallest element (1) in the map can be cached, and thus can be access at O(1).
Increment: O(S+logk): find the string in a trie is O(S), finding the relevant key is O(logk), deleting element from a hash-set is O(1), finding the next element in the tree is also O(logk) [can be O(1) actually, for a skip-list based map], and inserting a value is O(1). Note that by linking the node to the relevant key in the map, complexity can even be improved to O(S), since no search is actually required.
Find: O(S): just find in the trie and return the value.
Select: O(S*n): at worst case you need to retrieve all elements, which enforces you to iterate the whole trie in order to find all words.
Max: O(logk+S): find a key in a sorted map, reconstruct the word.
EDIT: Note that in here, I assumed for find(i) you want the i'th distinct biggest element. If it is not the case, you will need to modify the set a bit, and use a multimap that allows duplicate keys [instead a set as a value]. This will make all the tree based ops O(logn) instead O(logk), still efficient in my opinion...