ctree() - How to get the list of splitting conditions for each terminal node?
Asked Answered



I have an output from ctree() (party package) that looks like the following. How do I get the list of splitting conditions for each terminal node, like like sns <= 0, dta <= 1; sns <= 0, dta > 1 and so on?

1) sns <= 0; criterion = 1, statistic = 14655.021
  2) dta <= 1; criterion = 1, statistic = 3286.389
   3)*  weights = 153682 
  2) dta > 1
   4)*  weights = 289415 
1) sns > 0
  5) dta <= 2; criterion = 1, statistic = 1882.439
   6)*  weights = 245457 
  5) dta > 2
   7) dta <= 6; criterion = 1, statistic = 1170.813
     8)*  weights = 328582 
   7) dta > 6


Stevenson answered 29/1, 2014 at 21:38 Comment(0)

This function should do the job

 CtreePathFunc <- function (ct, data) {

  ResulTable <- data.frame(Node = character(), Path = character())

  for(Node in unique(where(ct))){
  # Taking all possible non-Terminal nodes that are smaller than the selected terminal node
  NonTerminalNodes <- setdiff(1:(Node - 1), unique(where(ct))[unique(where(ct)) < Node])

  # Getting the weigths for that node
  NodeWeights <- nodes(ct, Node)[[1]]$weights

  # Finding the path
  Path <- NULL
  for (i in NonTerminalNodes){
    if(any(NodeWeights & nodes(ct, i)[[1]][2][[1]] == 1)) Path <- append(Path, i)

  # Finding the splitting creteria for that path
  Path2 <- SB <- NULL

  for(i in 1:length(Path)){
    if(i == length(Path)) {
      n <- nodes(ct, Node)[[1]]
    } else {n <- nodes(ct, Path[i + 1])[[1]]}

    if(all(data[which(as.logical(n$weights)), as.character(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]])[length(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]]))])] <= as.numeric(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]])[3]))){
      SB <- "<="
    } else {SB <- ">"}
    Path2 <- paste(c(Path2, paste(as.character(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]])[length(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]]))]),
                   collapse = ", ")

  # Output
  ResulTable <- rbind(ResulTable, cbind(Node = Node, Path = Path2))


airq <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
ct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,  controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))
Result <- CtreePathFunc(ct, airq)

##   Node                               Path
## 1    5 Temp <= 82, Wind > 6.9, Temp <= 77
## 2    3            Temp <= 82, Wind <= 6.9
## 3    6  Temp <= 82, Wind > 6.9, Temp > 77
## 4    9             Temp > 82, Wind > 10.3
## 5    8            Temp > 82, Wind <= 10.3
Kist answered 10/3, 2014 at 12:57 Comment(5)
Takes long time, but gives a very good response. And you forgot to put the "airq" matrix as variable.Hippy
Thanks, @Galled. Edited. I also forgot to library(party). It was one of my first answers in SO, so was a bit noob thereKist
Is there any updated version of this function that also deals with categorical explanatory variables? @DavidArenburgRelational
@JoãoDaniel, I didn't write one. Maybe post a new question and see if someone can elaborate, as I'm not sure I'll have time to write one in the new futureKist
@JoãoDaniel I make one.Hippy

If you use the new recommended partykit implementation of ctree() rather than the old party package, then you can use the function .list.rules.party(). This is not yet officially exported, yet, but can be leveraged to extract the desired information.

airq <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
ct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq)
##                                      3                                      5 
##             "Temp <= 82 & Wind <= 6.9" "Temp <= 82 & Wind > 6.9 & Temp <= 77" 
##                                      6                                      8 
##  "Temp <= 82 & Wind > 6.9 & Temp > 77"             "Temp > 82 & Wind <= 10.3" 
##                                      9 
##              "Temp > 82 & Wind > 10.3" 
Lathe answered 2/5, 2015 at 8:16 Comment(3)
Is .list.rules.party() exported somehow now?Luck
No, still not yet, unfortunately. If you need it in another package I would recommend the source code for now. It's not that long.Lathe
Thanks. Invoking it with partykit:::.list.rules.party is fine for me. I was only curious if it can be done in some neater way.Luck

Due I needed this function but for categorical data, I make, more or less answering the question @JoãoDaniel (I've only tested with categorical predictor variables), the next functions:

# returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
# https://mcmap.net/q/86023/-how-can-i-trim-leading-and-trailing-white-space
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
getVariable <- function (x) sub("(.*?)[[:space:]].*", "\\1", x)
getSimbolo <- function (x) sub("(.*?)[[:space:]](.*?)[[:space:]].*", "\\2", x)

getReglaFinal = function(elemento) {        
    x = as.data.frame(strsplit(as.character(elemento),";"))
    Regla = apply(x,1, trim)
    Regla = data.frame(Regla)
    indice = as.numeric(rownames(Regla))
    variable = apply(Regla,1, getVariable)
    simbolo = apply(Regla,1, getSimbolo)

    ReglaRaw = data.frame(Regla,indice,variable,simbolo)
    cols <- c( 'variable' , 'simbolo' )
    ReglaRaw$tipo_corte <- apply(  ReglaRaw[ , cols ] ,1 , paste , collapse = "" )
    cortes = unique(ReglaRaw$tipo_corte)
    ReglaFinal = ""
    for(i in 1:length(cortes)){
        #print("ReglaRaw econtrada")
        maximo = max(ReglaRaw$indice[ReglaRaw$tipo_corte==cortes[i]])
        tmp = as.character(ReglaRaw$Regla[ReglaRaw$indice==maximo])
            ReglaFinal = tmp
            ReglaFinal = paste(ReglaFinal,tmp,sep="; ",collapse="; ")

CtreePathFuncAllCat <- function (ct) {

  ResulTable <- data.frame(Node = character(), Path = character())

  for(Node in unique(where(ct))){

    # Taking all possible non-Terminal nodes that are smaller than the selected terminal node
    NonTerminalNodes <- setdiff(1:(Node - 1), unique(where(ct))[unique(where(ct)) < Node])

    # Getting the weigths for that node
    NodeWeights <- nodes(ct, Node)[[1]]$weights

    # Finding the path
    Path <- NULL
    for (i in NonTerminalNodes){
        if(any(NodeWeights & nodes(ct, i)[[1]][2][[1]] == 1)) Path <- append(Path, i)

    # Finding the splitting creteria for that path
    Path2 <- SB <- NULL

    variablesNombres <- array()
    variablesPuntos <- list()

    for(i in 1:length(Path)){
        n <- nodes(ct, Path[i])[[1]]

        if(i == length(Path)) {
            nextNodeID = Node
        } else {
            nextNodeID = Path[i+1]

        vec_puntos  = as.vector(n[[5]]$splitpoint)
        vec_nombre  = n[[5]]$variableName
        vec_niveles = attr(n[[5]]$splitpoint,"levels")

        index = 0

        if((length(vec_puntos)!=length(vec_niveles)) && (length(vec_niveles)!=0) ){
            index = vec_puntos
            vec_puntos = vector(length=length(vec_niveles))
            vec_puntos[index] = TRUE

            index = vec_puntos
            vec_puntos = n[[5]]$splitpoint

                vec_puntos = !vec_puntos
                vec_puntos = !!vec_puntos
            if(i != 1) {
                for(j in 1:(length(Path)-1)){
                        if( variablesNombres[j]==vec_nombre){
                            vec_puntos = vec_puntos*variablesPuntos[[j]]
                vec_puntos = vec_puntos==1
            SB = "="
                SB = ">"
                SB = "<="


        variablesPuntos[[i]] = vec_puntos       
        variablesNombres[i] = vec_nombre

            descripcion = vec_puntos
            descripcion = paste(vec_niveles[vec_puntos],collapse=", ")
        Path2 <- paste(c(Path2, paste(c(variablesNombres[i],SB,"{",descripcion, "}"),collapse=" ")
                       collapse = "; ")

    # Output
    ResulTable <- rbind(ResulTable, cbind(Node = Node, Path = Path2))

    we = weights(ct)
    c0 = as.matrix(where(ct))
    c3 = sapply(we, function(w) sum(w))
    c3 = as.matrix(unique(cbind(c0,c3)))
    Counts = as.matrix(c3[,2])
    c2 = drop(Predict(ct))
    Means = as.matrix(unique(c2))

    ResulTable = data.frame(ResulTable,Means,Counts)
    ResulTable  = ResulTable[ order(ResulTable$Means) ,]

    ResulTable$TruePath =  apply(as.data.frame(ResulTable$Path),1, getReglaFinal)

    ResulTable2 = ResulTable

    ResulTable2$SQL <- paste("WHEN ",gsub("\\'([-+]?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+))\\'", "\\1",gsub("\\, ", "','", gsub(" \\}", "')", gsub("\\{ ", "('", gsub("\\;", " AND ", ResulTable2$TruePath)))))," THEN ")

    cols <- c( 'SQL' , 'Node' )
    ResulTable2$SQL <- apply(  ResulTable2[ , cols ] ,1 , paste , collapse = "'Nodo " )

    ResulTable2$SQL <- gsub("THEN'", "THEN '", gsub(" '", "'",  paste(ResulTable2$SQL,"'")))

    ResultadoFinal = list()

    ResultadoFinal$PreTable = ResulTable
    ResultadoFinal$Table = ResulTable
    ResultadoFinal$Table$Path = ResultadoFinal$Table$TruePath
    ResultadoFinal$Table$TruePath = NULL
    ResultadoFinal$SQL = paste(" CASE ",paste(ResulTable2$SQL,sep="",collapse=" ")," END ",collapse="")


Here is a test:

#With ordered factors
TreeModel1 = ctree(PB~ME+SYMPT+HIST+BSE+DECT, data = mammoexp)
Result2 <- CtreePathFuncAllCat(TreeModel1)
##  Node                                                Path    Means Counts
##3    7    DECT > { Somewhat likely }; SYMPT > { Disagree } 6.526316    114
##2    6   DECT > { Somewhat likely }; SYMPT <= { Disagree } 7.640000    175
##1    4  DECT <= { Somewhat likely }; DECT > { Not likely } 8.161905    105
##4    3 DECT <= { Somewhat likely }; DECT <= { Not likely } 9.833333     18
##                                          TruePath
##3   DECT > { Somewhat likely }; SYMPT > { Disagree }
##2  DECT > { Somewhat likely }; SYMPT <= { Disagree }
##1 DECT <= { Somewhat likely }; DECT > { Not likely }
##4                             DECT <= { Not likely }
##  Node                                               Path    Means Counts
##3    7   DECT > { Somewhat likely }; SYMPT > { Disagree } 6.526316    114
##2    6  DECT > { Somewhat likely }; SYMPT <= { Disagree } 7.640000    175
##1    4 DECT <= { Somewhat likely }; DECT > { Not likely } 8.161905    105
##4    3                             DECT <= { Not likely } 9.833333     18
##[1] " CASE  WHEN  DECT > ('Somewhat likely') AND  SYMPT > ('Disagree')  THEN 'Nodo 7' WHEN  DECT > ('Somewhat likely') AND  SYMPT <= ('Disagree')  THEN 'Nodo 6' WHEN  DECT <= ('Somewhat likely') AND  DECT > ('Not likely')  THEN 'Nodo 4' WHEN  DECT <= ('Not likely')  THEN 'Nodo 3'  END "

#With unordered factors
TreeModel2 = ctree(count~spray, data = InsectSprays)
plot(TreeModel2, type="simple")
Result2 <- CtreePathFuncAllCat(TreeModel2)
##Node                                  Path     Means Counts            TruePath
##2    5 spray = { C, D, E }; spray = { C, E }  2.791667     24    spray = { C, E }
##3    4    spray = { C, D, E }; spray = { D }  4.916667     12       spray = { D }
##1    2                   spray = { A, B, F } 15.500000     36 spray = { A, B, F }
##Node                Path     Means Counts
##2    5    spray = { C, E }  2.791667     24
##3    4       spray = { D }  4.916667     12
##1    2 spray = { A, B, F } 15.500000     36
##[1] " CASE  WHEN  spray = ('C','E')  THEN 'Nodo 5' WHEN  spray = ('D')  THEN 'Nodo 4' WHEN  spray = ('A','B','F')  THEN 'Nodo 2'  END "

#With continuous variables
airq <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
TreeModel3 <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,  controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))
Result2 <- CtreePathFuncAllCat(TreeModel3)
##  Node                                           Path    Means Counts
##1    5 Temp <= { 82 }; Wind > { 6.9 }; Temp <= { 77 } 18.47917     48
##3    6  Temp <= { 82 }; Wind > { 6.9 }; Temp > { 77 } 31.14286     21
##4    9                 Temp > { 82 }; Wind > { 10.3 } 48.71429      7
##2    3                Temp <= { 82 }; Wind <= { 6.9 } 55.60000     10
##5    8                Temp > { 82 }; Wind <= { 10.3 } 81.63333     30
##                                     TruePath
##1                Temp <= { 77 }; Wind > { 6.9 }
##3 Temp <= { 82 }; Wind > { 6.9 }; Temp > { 77 }
##4                Temp > { 82 }; Wind > { 10.3 }
##2               Temp <= { 82 }; Wind <= { 6.9 }
##5               Temp > { 82 }; Wind <= { 10.3 }
##  Node                                          Path    Means Counts
##1    5                Temp <= { 77 }; Wind > { 6.9 } 18.47917     48
##3    6 Temp <= { 82 }; Wind > { 6.9 }; Temp > { 77 } 31.14286     21
##4    9                Temp > { 82 }; Wind > { 10.3 } 48.71429      7
##2    3               Temp <= { 82 }; Wind <= { 6.9 } 55.60000     10
##5    8               Temp > { 82 }; Wind <= { 10.3 } 81.63333     30
##[1] " CASE  WHEN  Temp <= (77) AND  Wind > (6.9)  THEN 'Nodo 5' WHEN  Temp <= (82) AND  Wind > (6.9) AND  Temp > (77)  THEN 'Nodo 6' WHEN  Temp > (82) AND  Wind > (10.3)  THEN 'Nodo 9' WHEN  Temp <= (82) AND  Wind <= (6.9)  THEN 'Nodo 3' WHEN  Temp > (82) AND  Wind <= (10.3)  THEN 'Nodo 8'  END "

Update! Now the function supports mix of categorical and numerical variables!

Hippy answered 15/1, 2015 at 21:26 Comment(2)
Good work with this, however, it only appears to work for categorical variables: When I tried this on the results of the airct tree CtreePathFuncAllCat(ct), it returns the splitting fields, but not the splitting criteria. Any idea how to get the path for categorical and continuous variables?Pargeting
@clevelandfrowns I update the function, and now works with continous and categorical data.Hippy

The CtreePathFunc function rewritten in more of a Hadley-verse (and I think more comprehensible) way. Also handling categorical variables.

readSplitter <- function(nodeSplit){
  splitPoint <- nodeSplit$splitpoint
  if("levels" %>% is_in(splitPoint %>% attributes %>% names)){
    splitPoint %>% attr("levels") %>% .[splitPoint]
    splitPoint %>% as.numeric

hasWeigths <- function(ct, path, terminalNode, pathNumber){
  ct %>%
    nodes(pathNumber %>% equals(path %>% length) %>% ifelse(terminalNode, path[pathNumber + 1]) ) %>%
    .[[1]] %>% use_series("weights") %>% as.logical %>% which

dataFilter <- function(ct, dts, path, terminalNode, pathNumber){
  whichWeights <- hasWeigths(ct, path, terminalNode, pathNumber)
  nodes(ct, path[pathNumber])[[1]][[5]] %>%
    buildDataFilter(dts, whichWeights)

buildDataFilter <- function(nodeSplit, ...) UseMethod("buildDataFilter")

buildDataFilter.nominalSplit <-
  function(nodeSplit, dts, whichWeights){
    varName <- nodeSplit$variableName
    includedLevels <- dts[ whichWeights
                          ,varName] %>% unique
    paste( varName, "=="
          ,includedLevels %>% paste(collapse = ", ") %>% paste0("{", ., "}"))

buildDataFilter.orderedSplit <-
  function(nodeSplit, dts, whichWeights){
    varName <- nodeSplit$variableName
    splitter <- nodeSplit %>% readSplitter

    dts[ whichWeights
        ,varName] %>%
          is_weakly_less_than(splitter) %>%
          all %>%
          ifelse("<=" ,">") %>%
          paste(varName, ., splitter)

readTerminalNodePaths <- function (ct, dts) {

  nodeWeights <- function(Node) nodes(ct, Node)[[1]]$weights
  sgmnts <- ct %>% where %>% unique
  nodesFirstTreeWeightIsOne <- function(node) nodes(ct, node)[[1]][2][[1]] == 1

  # Take the inner nodes smaller than the selected terminal node
  innerNodes <-
    function(Node) setdiff( 1:(Node - 1)
                           ,sgmnts[sgmnts < Node])
  pathForTerminalNode <- function(terminalNode){
    innerNodes(terminalNode) %>%
        if(any(nodeWeights(terminalNode) & nodesFirstTreeWeightIsOne(innerNode))) innerNode
       }) %>%

  # Find the splits criteria
  sgmnts %>% sapply(function(terminalNode){ #

    path <- terminalNode %>% pathForTerminalNode

    path %>% length %>% seq %>%
        dataFilter(ct, dts, path, terminalNode, nodeNumber)
       }, simplify = FALSE) %>%
      unlist %>% paste(collapse = " & ") %>%
      data.frame(Node = terminalNode, Path = .)

  }, simplify = FALSE) %>%
    Reduce(f = rbind)


shiftFirstPart <- function(vctr, divideBy, proportion = .5){
    vctr[vctr %>% length %>% multiply_by(proportion) %>% round %>% seq] %<>% divide_by(divideBy)
n <- 13000
gdt <- 
  data.frame( is_buyer = runif(n) %>% shiftFirstPart(1.5) %>% round %>% factor(labels = c("no", "yes"))
             ,age = runif(n) %>% shiftFirstPart(1.5) %>%
               cut(breaks = c(0, .3, .6, 1), include_lowest = TRUE, ordered_result = TRUE, labels = c("low", "mid", "high"))
             ,city = runif(n) %>% shiftFirstPart(1.5) %>%
               cut(breaks = c(0, .3, .6, 1), include_lowest = TRUE, labels = c("Chigaco", "Boston", "Memphis"))
             ,point = runif(n) %>% shiftFirstPart(1.2)

gct <- ctree( is_buyer ~ ., data = gdt)
readTerminalNodePaths(gct, gdt)
Mauer answered 7/6, 2017 at 6:48 Comment(3)
This is a really cool function, not sure I totally understand how it works yet, but is there a simple way to modify it to get the paths for all nodes instead of just the terminal ones?Preoccupancy
sorry for the silly question but which library includes the function 'where' ?Pyretic
@Manuel Chirouze, party.Dropping

Here's my solution which is recursive so it runs well on larger trees as well. Here's a demo, followed by the code itself:

# Make a mixture of continuous and categorical vars:
a <- ctree(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Sepal.Width, data = iris)
partykit_res <- partykit:::.list.rules.party(a)
# printing partykit_res you'll see it contains all splits
# on the path, not just the resulting final splits.
suggested_res <- tree_leaves_segments(a)


[1] "Sepal.Width <= 3.2, Species in {setosa}"         
[2] "3.6 >= Sepal.Width > 3.2, Species in {setosa}"   
[3] "Sepal.Width > 3.6, Species in {setosa}"          
[4] "Sepal.Width <= 2.7, Species in {versicolor}"     
[5] "Sepal.Width <= 2.7, Species in {virginica}"      
[6] "Sepal.Width > 2.7, Species in {versicolor}"      
[7] "2.8 >= Sepal.Width > 2.7, Species in {virginica}"
[8] "Sepal.Width > 2.8, Species in {virginica}" 

And here's the implementation code:

tree_leaves_segments <- function(tree) {
  group_df_init <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)), nm = c("var", "op", "val"))
  parent <- list(tree = tree, group_df = group_df_init)
  leaf_segments <- parent_child_dfs(parent)
  leaf_segments <- leaf_segments[seq(2, length(leaf_segments), 2)]
  if (length(leaf_segments) == 1) { # root
    leaf_segments <- list(group_df = data.frame(var = "root", op = "", val = ""))
  leaf_segments <- sapply(leaf_segments, function(leaf) {
    collapsed_groups <- tapply(1:nrow(leaf), leaf$var, function(idx) {
      g <- leaf[idx, ]
    merged_collapsed_groups <- paste0(collapsed_groups, collapse = ", ")

collapse_group_df <- function(g) {
  if (length(g$var) == 2) {
    upper <- which(substr(g$op, 1, 1) == "<")
    upper_op <- sub(pattern = "<", replacement = ">", x = g$op[upper])
    upper_op <- trimws(upper_op)
    lower <- which(substr(g$op, 1, 1) == ">")
    lower_op <- trimws(g$op[lower])
    return(paste(g$val[upper], upper_op, g$var[1], lower_op, g$val[lower], sep = " "))
  } else {
    if (g$op == "in") {
      prefix <- "{"
      suffix <- "}"
    } else {
      prefix <- ""
      suffix <- ""
      g$op <- trimws(g$op)
    return(trimws(paste0(g$var, " ", g$op, " ", prefix, g$val, suffix)))

parent_child_dfs <- function(parent) {
  split <- parent$tree[[1]]$node$split
  if (is.null(split)) {
  } else {
    slabs <- partykit::character_split(split, data = parent$tree[[1]]$data)
    dir <- substr(slabs$levels, 1, 2)
    if (all(dir %in% c("< ", "> ", "<=", ">="))) {
      val <- sub("^<= |^>= |^< |^> ", "", slabs$levels)
    } else {
      val <- slabs$levels
      dir <- rep("in", length(dir))
    group_dfs <- lapply(1:length(val), function(i) {
      data.frame(var = slabs$name, op = dir[i], val = val[i])
    nodes <- lapply(1:length(group_dfs), function(i) {
      group_df <- merge_group_dfs(group_dfs[[i]], parent$group_df)
      kid_id <- parent$tree$node$kids[[i]]$id
      node <- list(tree = parent$tree[[kid_id]], group_df = group_df)
    nodes <- unlist(lapply(nodes, parent_child_dfs), recursive = F)

merge_group_dfs <- function(group_df, parent_group_df) {
  match_idx <- which(group_df$var == parent_group_df$var)
  if (length(match_idx) == 0) {
    ans <- rbind(parent_group_df, group_df)
  } else {
    if (group_df$op == "in") {
      parent_group_df$val[match_idx] <- group_df$val
    } else {
      for (idx in match_idx) {
        if (group_df$op == parent_group_df$op[[idx]]) {
          parent_group_df$val[[idx]] <- group_df$val
        } else if (length(match_idx) == 1) {
          parent_group_df <- rbind(parent_group_df, group_df)
    ans <- parent_group_df
Workaday answered 27/9, 2023 at 8:55 Comment(0)

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