The environment is exposed via the global env
array in Tcl. The keys and values of the array default to the environment inherited from the parent process, any process that Tcl creates will inherit a copy of it, and code that examines the environment in the current process (including directly from C) will see the current state of it.
Picking up environment set in a shell script is quite tricky. The issue is that a .bashrc
(for example) can do quite complex things as well as setting a bunch of environment variables. For example, it can also print out a message of the day, or conditionally take actions. But you can at least make a reasonable attempt by using the shell's env
set data [exec sh -c "source /path/to/; env"]
# Now we parse with some regular expression magic
foreach {- key value} [regexp -all -inline {(?wi)^(\w+)=((?!')[^\n]+|'[^']+')$} $data] {
set extracted_env($key) [string trim $value "'"]
It's pretty awful, and isn't quite right (there are things that could confuse it) but it's pretty close. The values will be populated in the extracted_env
array by it.
I think it's easier to get people to configure things via Tcl scripts…