Build 2 related Datasets, first one for the report content, and the second one for the list of its column labels.
The Dataset of the report content must have a fixed number of columns and name. You can allocate some maximum number of columns.
In this example I have the first 2 columns as fixed, or always visible, and a maximum of 4 columns to be displayed by choice through a multivalued parameter, or depends on the query conditions. And as usual, we may have a total as well. So, it may look like this:
Fixed01, Fixed02, Dyna01, Dyna02, Dyna03, Dyna04, Total
The second Dataset with its values will look like this:
Name Label
---- -----
Dyna01 Label01
Dyna02 Label02
Dyna03 Label03
I have omitted the 4th Label to demonstrate that not all columns are being used by a certain query condition. Remember that both Datasets are meant to be related to the same query.
Now create a parameter named, say, @columns; populate its Available Values and Default Values with the second Dataset.
For each of those 4 dynamic columns, set the column visibility with the following expression:
And for each of their column header Text Boxes, use the following expression:
=Lookup("Dyna01", Fields!Name.Value, Fields!Label.Value, "dsColumns")
As for the Total, here is the expression for its visibility:
= IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna01"), false, true)
AndAlso IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna02"), false, true)
AndAlso IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna03"), false, true)
AndAlso IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna04"), false, true)
And here is for its values:
= IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna01"), Fields!C01.Value, 0)
+ IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna02"), Fields!C02.Value, 0)
+ IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna03"), Fields!C03.Value, 0)
+ IIf(InStr(join(Parameters!columns.Value, ","), "Dyna04"), Fields!C04.Value, 0)
That's all, hope it helps.
Bonus, that second Dataset, dsColumns
, can also hold other column attributes, such as: color, width, fonts, etc.