I'm interested in extracting triples (subject,predicate,object) from questions.
For example, I would like to transform the following question :
Who is the wife of the president of the USA?
to :
(x,isWifeOf,y) ∧ (y,isPresidentof,USA)
x and y are unknows that we have to find in order to answer the question (/\ denotes the conjunction).
I have read a lot of papers about this topic and I would like to perform this task using existing parsers such as Stanford parser. I know that parsers output 2 types of data :
- parse structure tree (constituency relations)
- dependency tree (dependency relations)
Some papers try to build triples from the parse structure tree (e.g., Triple Extraction from Sentences), however this approach seems to be too weak to deal with complicated questions.
On the other hand, dependency trees contain a lot of relevant information to perform the triple extraction. A lot of papers claim to do that, however I didn't find any of them that gives explicitely a detailed procedure or an algorithm. Most of the time, authors say they analyze the dependencies to produce triples according to some rules they didn't give.
Does anyone know any paper with more information on extracting (subject,predicate,object) from dependency tree of a question?