This is the first time I'm debugging or doing anything with a .dmp file. I'm using Debugdiag. When I run my Analysis, I get this error-
Analysis results may be incomplete because an error occurred while initializing the CLR diagnostic runtime for w3wp.DMP.
Dump File: w3wp.DMP
Type: DebugDiag.DotNet.DacNotFoundException
Message: CLR is loaded in the target, but the correct dac file cannot be found. DacFileName: mscordacwks_Amd64_Amd64_10.0.30319.01.dll. DacLocation:
It says to fix this, I must do this:
To fix this problem, you can copy mscordacwks.dll from the server where the dump was taken and rename it to mscordacwks_Amd64_Amd64_10.0.30319.01.dll and add the path of the folder to the Symbol server path by going to Tools-> Options and Settings
I did it, and now I get the following error:
Dump File: w3wp.DMP
Type: Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrDiagnosticsException
Message: Failed to load dac: D:\Dumps\mscordacwks_Amd64_Amd64_10.0.30319.01.dll
Stack Trace:
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.DacLibrary..ctor(DataTargetImpl dataTarget, String dacDll)
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.DataTargetImpl.CreateRuntime(String dacFilename)
DebugDiag.DotNet.NetDbgObj.CreateRuntimeAndGetHeap(String dumpPath, IDbgObj3 legacyDebugger, String symbolPath, Boolean throwOnBitnessMismatch, Boolean loadClrHeap)
HResult: UnknownError
I had tried going through a few links, one being this. Not getting anything. How do I fix this and view the entire analysis for the dump file?