Is there any way to increase a time interval, on the basis of which the RTS decides that thread has blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction? Here is my code:
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar,newMVar,withMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Control.Concurrent.ThreadManager as TM
data ThreadManager = ThreadManager { tmCounter::TVar Int, tmTM::MVar TM.ThreadManager }
data Settings = Settings {
maxThreadsCount::Int }
createThreadManager :: Settings -> IO ThreadManager
createThreadManager s = do
counter <- atomically $ newTVar (maxThreadsCount s)
tm <- TM.make >>= newMVar
return $ ThreadManager counter tm
forkManaged :: ThreadManager -> IO () -> IO ThreadId
forkManaged tm fn = do
atomically $ do
counter <- readTVar $ tmCounter tm
check $ counter > 0
writeTVar (tmCounter tm) (counter - 1)
withMVar (tmTM tm) $ \thrdmgr -> TM.fork thrdmgr $ do
atomically $ do
counter <- readTVar $ tmCounter tm
writeTVar (tmCounter tm) (counter + 1)
forkManaged makes sure that amount of simultaneously running managed threads does not exceed maxThreadsCount. It works fine until heavy load. Under heavy load RTS throws an exception. I think under heavy load, on hard concurrent competition for resources, some of threads just have no time to get access to the STM context. So I think, increasing time interval when RTS decides to throw this exception may solve the problem.
s were waiting on each other. – Concatenatefn
is throwing an exception, and preventing the counter from being incremented? – Concatenate