Per suggestions on SO/SF and other sites, I am using CherryPy as the WSGI server to launch multiple instances of a Python web server I built with Flask. Each instance runs on its own port and sits behind Nginx. I should note that the below does work for me, but I'm troubled that I have gone about things the wrong way and it works "by accident".
Here is my current cherrypy.conf file:
server.socket_host = ''
server.socket_port = 8891
request.dispatch: cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()
tree.mount = {'/'}
Without diving too far into my Flask server, here's how it starts:
import flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return "hello"
And here is the command I issue on the command line to launch with Cherryd:
cherryd -c cherrypy.conf -i my_flask_server
Questions are:
Is wrapping Flask inside CherryPy still the preferred method of using Flask in production?
Is this the proper way to use a .conf file to launch CherryPy and import the Flask app? I have scoured the CherryPy documentation, but I cannot find any use cases that match what I am trying to do here specifically.
Is the proper way to launch multiple CherryPy/Flask instances on a single machine to execute multiple cherryd commands (daemonizing with -d, etc) with unique .conf files for each port to be used (8891, 8892, etc)? Or is there a better "CherryPy" way to accomplish this?
Thanks for any help and insight.