With reference to the answer posted by Asperi (https://stackoverflow.com/users/12299030/asperi) on Question: Highlight a specific part of the text in SwiftUI
I have found his answer quite useful, however, when my String input exceeds 32k characters the app crashes, so I am assuming the String() is a max of 32k and am looking for a work around.
In my app, if someone searches for the word "pancake", the search word will be stored and when the user looks at the detail page (of lets say a recipe), the word pancake will highlight. All works well with this answer, but when the recipe exceeds 32k characters, the app crashes with exceeding index range messages. (specific error message: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16d43ffb4))
Here is the modified code from the answer on that question:
This will print the data:
hilightedText(str: self.recipes.last!.recipeData!)
.font(.system(size: CGFloat( settings.fontSize )))
There is obviously more to this code above, but in essence, it iterates a database, and finds the last record containing 'search word' and displays the recipeData here, which is a large string contained in the database.
to implement the highlightedText functionality:
func hilightedText(str: String) -> Text {
let textToSearch = searched
var result: Text!
for word in str.split(separator: " ") {
var text = Text(word)
if word.uppercased().contains(textToSearch.uppercased()) {
text = text.bold().foregroundColor(.yellow)
//THIS NEXT LINE has been identified as the problem:
result = (result == nil ? text : result + Text(" ") + text)
return result
I've modified the answer from Asperi slightly to suit my needs and all works really well, unless I come across a recipeData entry that is larger than 32k in size, as stated before.
I have tried Replacing String
with a few other data types and nothing works..
Any ideas?
Thank you!
After lengthy discussion in the comments, it appears that the root cause of the issue is at some point, for some records, I am exceeding the maximum Text("") concatenations.
In the above code, each word is split out, evaluated and added to the long string "result" which winds up looking like this:
Text("word") + Text(" ") + Text("Word")
and so on.
This is done, so I can easily apply color attributes per word, but it would seem that once I hit a certain number of words (which is less that 32k, one record was 22k and crashed), the app crashes.
Leo suggested https://mcmap.net/q/264509/-how-to-use-attributed-string-in-swiftui this thread as an alternative and I will have to attempt to implement that instead.
Thank you..
(diacritics and case insensitive)word.localizedStandardContains(textToSearch)
– Minnickfor word in str.split(whereSeparator: \.isWhitespace)
– Minnick